Q. Can I volunteer at Brightside?

A. Thank you for your offer of help, but we currently have a regular roster of volunteers that are committed to helping Brightside. All Volunteers need to be over 18 years old and able to commit to a regular shift. We will advertise on Facebook when we are looking for more volunteers.



Q. Can we visit Brightside?

A. Brightside is open by appointment only. We have Open Days at the start and end of the year, where we try to accommodate as many guests as possible. We advertise the Open Days on Facebook when we have set the dates.

We also do smaller personalised tours one weekend a month. To organise a tour, please text your details to 0408 658 356 and one of our team will get back to you as soon as they can.



Q. Can you take my rooster?

A. Sorry, but Brightside Farm Sanctuary is currently over capacity with roosters. We can only have so many per chicken and we need to be responsible for the animals we already have in our care.

We advocate for the responsible breeding of poultry, and if you find the chickens you purchased are in fact roosters, your first call should be to the breeder you purchased them from. Responsible breeders will take back roosters and should have an option for them to live out their days. If this is not an option, please contact poultry groups for assistance in re-homing them.


 Q. How do I become a Foster Carer for Brightside?

A. Simple; call Emma on 0408 658 356 and leave your details. She will get back to you as soon as she can, and go through the process with you. It is mainly greyhounds that we need foster care for, but there are also other breeds and species that need either emergency care whilst they recouperate, or long term care as they have multiple issues that need addressing over time.